Saturday, April 3, 2010

Narnia:Lion,the Which,the Wardrobe Review

I recently read Narnia:Lion,the Which,and the Wardrobe by C.S.


The Pevensie kids,Peter,Susan,Edmund,and Lucy are sent to to home of the Professor due to the war.The home is very big,with lot of room to play.One day,they were playing hide and seek.Lucy hid in a wardrobe.When she went all the to the back of it, she found herself in a snowy wonderland.There was a fawn she met there named Mr.Tumnus.They had tea for several hours.But when she returned,time was not moved a minute at all.And when she told the others of this odd land,no one believed her.But when he was alone,Edmund decided to go and have a look for himself.Then,that's were he met the evil White Which.She told him if he could bring his brother and sister,she'd give him more Turkish Delight.(It's a bad thing because she is going to kill them,giving Narnia,who has eternal winter,no hope whatsoever.)But there was a Lion,who was the true leader of Narnia,the great and all powerful,Aslan.When they found out Edmund betrayed Narnia,they sentenced him to death.But the great lion,Aslan,took his place.Susan and Lucy watched the grueling,sad death.But then something amazing happened!Aslan resurrected from the dead!Then he helped Narnia defeat the White Which!!

I liked this book because it whisks you to magical new worlds.Also,there are great morals to the story.

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