Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pride and Prejudice review

I recently read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice is about three young sisters and their
battles with love. Jane,Lizzie,and Lydia go to a ball one evening.
Their was a man name named Mr.Bingly with his friend,Mr.Darcy. Jane fell head over heels for Mr.Bingly.
But Lizzie was turned off by Mr.Darcy's pride. A few days after,
the girl's creepy cousin,Mr. Collins came to visit.He proposed
to her a few day's later. She declined because she thought he was
creepy.Later,Mr.Darcy also proposed to Lizzie also!She also
declined because Mr.Darcy felt he had to love her.Even though all this was a surprise,nothing was as shocking as when the youngest sister,Lydia ran off and married her lover,Mr.Whickam! During this,Mr.Darcy really reached out to Lizzie.This made her falling in love with her. In the end,Lizzie marries Mr.Darcy,
Jane marries Mr.Bingly,and Lydia marries Mr.Whickam!

I liked this book because it shows how people acted,dressed,and talked back then!