Friday, April 2, 2010

Going Rogue Review

I recently read Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.

Going Rogue tells the story of Sarah Palin,Alaska's governor.She starts by telling of her childhood,her parents,and her siblings.Then she tells of how she met her husband Todd Palin.She runs for mayor,then advances to become governor of Alaska.She focused on Alaska's main asset:oil.She had a lot of people against her.But she still stood by what she thought was right for her state!One day,at a fair,she got a call from Senetor John McCain to ask if she would like to be his vice president running mate for the 2008 election.She and her family got attacked in every way imaginable.But one thing that was obvious was her love for her country and Alaska.And even though she and McCain lost,she still lost with a humble attitude.

I will be 100% honest,I went into this book thinking I'd be bored with all politics and whatnot.But Palin really put a lot of personal things in it that makes her very relatable as a human being.I loved every page,even if I did not understand everything said!

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