Monday, March 15, 2010

Narnia:Magicans's Nephew Reviews

I recently read Narnia:Magcian's Nephew by C.S.Lewis.

Digory is going to be staying at his Uncle Andrew's house because his mother is on her deathbed.Then he meets Polly Plummer,a next door neighbor.They go on an adventure through a secret tunnel with many passage ways.They were hoping to go through a passageway that led to an abandoned house.But instead,they went into his uncle's forbidden study.When they did,Uncle Andrew used his "magical" powers to zap Polly to an unknown world.Digory wanted to save her.So Uncle Andrew gave him three rings.One was yellow which transported you into Narnia.The other two transported you into our world.When he touched them,he instantly rose into a mysterious pool.But he didn't run out of breath whatsoever.When he found Polly,they both realized there was nothing but ruins.They went into a courtyard with a bunch of royal looking statues.There was a bell with a message below saying not to ring it.But Digory did.This brought to life Jadis,the queen of the land which the found out was Charn.When she was doing hostage things to Polly and Digory,they both touched the green rings which not only took them to our world,but Jadis as well!This was not good because she wanted to take over London and the world.which Uncle Andrew helped with.She took a horse,buggy and other priceless items that were not hers.Trying to stop it,Digory tried to stop it by touching her and a ring simultaneously.But this time,everyone got transported.At first there was darkness,but gradually,things started coming to life.Then,they heard a mysterious song.They found it was Aslan,leader of the land Narnia.Digorysaw his power and wondered if he could help his dying mother.Aslan told him he'd have to travel through the mountains and forests to find a tree with fruit.To help him,he turned the cab horse,Strawberry,into a Fledge.(a winged horse.)He did find the treeJadis tried to get Digory to eat it,but he resisted her.So he brought it to Aslan.He planted it,and a tree grew from it.Aslan gave him an apple to give to his mom and she was well!

I love books that take you to new worlds!This book does just that!

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